Monday, August 22, 2005

Sweetest Decline

She weaves secrets in her hair
The whispers are not hers to share
She's deep as a well
She's deep as a well
Another day wastes away
And my heart sinks with the sun
A new day's dawning
And a new day has not yet begun
So, anyway
There I was
Just sitting on your porch
Drinking in your sweetest decline
Your sweetest decline
What's the use in regrets
They're just thing we haven't done yet
What are regrets?
They're just lessons we haven't learned yet
Another day draws away
And my heart sinks with the sun
It's like catching snow on my tongue
It's like catching snow on my tongue
So, anyway
There I was
Just sitting on your porch
Drink in your sweetest decline
The sweetest decline
What are regrets?
What are regrets?
They're just lessons we haven't learned yet
It's like catching snow on your tongue
You can't pin this butterfly down
Can't pin this butterfly down

By Beth Orton

Friday, August 19, 2005


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"Life is short...short, and not about anything except what you can touch, and what touches you." Melinda and Melinda, bought a copy and watched it few days ago...average, but very interesting plot, neurotic....same story told in 2 different ways as a tragedy, and a Woody Allen. See it if you get a chance.

As I have mentioned in previous post, this month is the month for spirits to return, and in the past few days, as a joke of some kind, I have become a target of disturbing phonecalls - 2 seconds silent calls. Last night I discussed this with hoying & merry about ways to today I had the chance....the call, it was silent, and I used my foul did not hang up until I finished talking...I thought to meself : good, i've tackled this goon. 20 somewhat minutes later...another call...i answered: "hello..", no answer, I was about to blast again when a guy answers: ""....erm...a guy from PCCW, I suspect the slow response was my "hello" instead of "wei", and he blabs on and I turned him down for whatever he was offering. I still wonder if it was him I blasted at in the call earlier @_@. Next time...if more mischief calls...I will not blast at them, instead...I should ask if we could be friends.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Apparently...this month is the month when the spirits come back. It definitely changes least...I felt changes this weekend :)

Let's hope for all the best...


Ok, Taiwan...thanx, for handing us back one of the typhoons, it cooled us down for a night. It was a pity though, it started saturday afternoon.

Today, I went window shopping and watched a movie.... "Land Of The Dead". Well, it was rather strange i actually agreed to watch it... ah well, i guess it's not always what i want what others wants too. Anyway, the movie was hilarious, annoying and disgusting... but i must admit i was freaked out in certain scary bits and overall, I did enjoy it...although i'm not sure i would recommend...haha. One last thing about this movie....the leading roles are zombies: Black Zombie! Butcher Zombie! and Baseball Chic Zombie! Yeah!

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Land Of The Dead

Friday, August 12, 2005

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Caught On Camera

Hello suckers...
Sorry I kept you guys who are still waiting waiting, and nothing for the guys who did not wait. Well... I guess this wouldn't be too much of an update, to me, the past weeks didn't seem like anything, I guess i've somehow turned down my heartbeat to 30 beats per day or something...just watched things go by.

Recently, I have heard that it's been snowing in my hometown Melbourne... and i have missed it! For more than half my life living there, I have never witness snow (except in the snowy mountains)....I just want to be there...especially when I am trying to peel my skin off here in this lousy hot weather... ... ...