Wednesday, September 20, 2006



hand blow dryer / paper towel

Which is more environmentally friendly - hand blow-dryer or the paper towel?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Memory loss

I am having serious memory loss, i headed to CWB yesterday, there were several things i planned to do there....when i got home, i realise i have forgotten to do two of those of which i have forgotten again just now. Moments ago i realise there was another fairly important thing i was suppose to do yesterday... These are the moments when you feel your body is deteriorating, health is going downhill.

I have also recently been food poisoned, i think it causes me to be very tired, and have stomach problems...

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It's been a while...

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Since I drew...


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"The designs offered the most comprehensive picture to date of what the finished complex might -- just might -- look like six years from now. Above, the Freedom Tower is to the left of Towers 2, 3 and 4."

SOURCE. The New York Times

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


New start to a new month...brings a whole lot of updates to the world...

* Crocodile hunter was killed today by a sting ray (ironically he just appeared on Dr.Dolittle a week ago where Dr.Dolittle overheard the croc's plan to maul him)
* Middle school starts
* Government offices starts working 5 days per week
* A father and 11 month old child was killed my a truck, mother and 3 yr old girl left to live their lifes
* Agassi retires after losing a 3rd round match
* Poor Pluto has been kicked out of our solar system

Updates...more relevant to my life

* Plans to some repairing of the building I am living in means I will be blocked from sunlight (my building will be covered @_@)
* Supermarket is opening real close, it is going to provide me with alot of comfort
* Some has found a job, good good! excellent!
* My free phone has gone
* Breakups for some...not me
* Apparently some naughty person has adopted a nasty habit of smoking ( ゜Д゜)彡;;;
* A bunch of magazines and cds are coming out
* I have no money

Until next update, see y'all.